May 31, 2018 / BY Emily F. Keller

Ranking Facts Tool Highlighted by Freedom to Tinker

Freedom to Tinker published the article “Refining the Concept of a Nutritional Label for Data and Models” by Julia Stoyanovich, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Drexel University, and Bill Howe, Associate Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington and Director of Urbanalytics. The authors discussed their work to create the web-based Ranking Facts tool, which is modeled after nutritional labels to increase transparency around ranked outputs as computational models “consume” datasets.

The tool enables users to upload data and automatically see visual widgets describing the ranking algorithm (Recipe), significant attributes in the ranked outcome (Ingredients), likelihood that small changes in the data set would alter the outcome (Stability), and parity and demographic diversity (Fairness and Diversity). The tool will be presented at the upcoming ACM SIGMOD 2018 conference.